Hello Everybody I’m jus here to inform you that I decided to get Tusk Act 4 and currently have Tusk Act 3. Also, I let go of D4C and I just got Silver Chariot Requim… Although I really want hermit purple.

I don’t know why people are so crazy about shiny stands. I mean people want six pistols shiny… Six pistols is the worst stand in the game… And just because the shiny looks good they want it.

Anyways all I want now is a pelvis of the saint’s corpse for Tusk Act 4 (I hope I get the shiny [Being Ironic]) and I also want Hermit Purple, Although like everyone says that it’s not worth it.

Well my plan now is to get Prestige 3 and level 50, because my friend told me that he will help me get hermit purple through trading. And to trade I need prestige 3 and level 50. Another advantage of prestige 3 is that I can use codes… If any code releases soon…